2024年10月14日 14:46
博士,博士后,副教授,硕士研究生导师,广州市高层次人才青年后备人才,广州大学基建处副处长,广州大学党外知识分子联谊会副秘书长,2024年度全球前2%顶尖科学家,广东省国土空间规划专家库入库专家,广东省科技咨询专家,广州市科技咨询专家,《景观设计学》执行编委,《广东园林》青年编委,《Journal of Chinese Architecture and Urbanism》编委,广州市勘察设计协会市政分会副会长、风景园林分会副会长,中国风景园林学会教育工作委员会委员,广东园林学会园林教育信息专业委员会副主任委员、园林规划设计专业委员会委员,中国工程建设标准化协会生态景观与风景园林专业委员会委员。
[1]Qiao, R., Gao, S., Liu, X., Xia, L., Zhang, G., Meng, X., Liu, Z.*, Wang, M.*, Zhou, S.* & Wu, Z.* (2024). Understanding the global subnational migration patterns driven by hydrological intrusion exposure. Nature Communications, 15(1), 6285.
[2]Wang, M., Zhong, X., Yuan, H., Zhang, D., Cheng, L., & Zhang, J. (2024). Integrating carbon and water footprint into nature-based solution (NBS) for urban planning in a highly built-up area in Guangzhou, China. Science of The Total Environment, 951, 175505.
[3]Wang, M., Fan, H., Yuan, H., Zhang, D., Su, J., Zhou, S., ... & Li, J. (2024). Urban flooding damage prediction in matrix scenarios of extreme rainfall using a convolutional neural network. Journal of Hydrology, 644, 132069.
[4]Sun, C., Rao, Q., Xiong, Z., Liu, M., Liu, Y., Fan, C., Tan, S.K., Wang, M.*, & Zhang, D. (2024). Optimized resilience coupled with cost-effectiveness for grey and green infrastructure: A case study in a historical and cultural area, Guangzhou, China. Ecological Indicators, 167, 112684.
[5]Zhou, S., Jia, W., Wang, M., Liu, Z., Wang, Y., & Wu, Z. (2024). Synergistic assessment of multi-scenario urban waterlogging through data-driven decoupling analysis in high-density urban areas: A case study in Shenzhen, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 369, 122330.
[6]Yuan, H., Wang, M.*, Zhang, D.*, Ikram, R. M. A., Su, J., Zhou, S., Wang, Y., Li, J. & Zhang, Q. (2024). Data-driven urban configuration optimization: An XGBoost-based approach for mitigating flood susceptibility and enhancing economic contribution. Ecological Indicators, 166, 112247.
[7]Zou, B., Nie, Y., Liu, R., Wang, M., Li, J., Fan, C., & Zhou, X. (2024). Assessing the Impact of Urban Morphologies on Waterlogging Risk Using a Spatial Weight Naive Bayes Model and Local Climate Zones Classification. Water, 16(17), 2464.
[8]Wang, L., Sun, C., & Wang, M.* (2024). Optimization Strategies for Waterfront Plant Landscapes in Traditional Villages: A Scenic Beauty Estimation–Entropy Weighting Method Analysis. Sustainability, 16(16), 7140.
[9]Wang, M.*, Zhong, X., Yuan, H., Zhang, D.*, Cheng, L., & Zhang, J. (2024). Integrating carbon and water footprint into nature-based solution (NBS) for urban planning in a highly built-up area in Guangzhou, China. Science of The Total Environment, 175505.
[10]Zhou, S., Zhang, D., Wang, M.*, Liu, Z., Gan, W., Zhao, Z., Xue, S., Müller, B., Zhou, M., Ni, X., & Wu, Z.* (2024). Risk-driven composition decoupling analysis for urban flooding prediction in high-density urban areas using Bayesian-Optimized LightGBM. Journal of Cleaner Production, 457, 142286.
[11]Su, J., Wang, M.*, Zhang, D.*, Sun, C., Zhao, X., & Razi, M. A. B. M.* (2024). A systematic and bibliometric review of bioretention system (BRS) for urban ecosystem regulation services. Urban Climate, 55, 101923.
[12]Su, J., Wang, M.*, Zhang, D., Yuan, H., Zhou, S., Wang, Y., & Razi, M. A. M.* (2024). Integrating technical and societal strategies in Nature-based Solutions for urban flood mitigation in Guangzhou, a heritage city. Ecological Indicators, 162, 112030.
[13]Zhou, S., Diao, H., Wang, M.*, Jia, W.*, Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Gan W., Zhou, M., Wu, Z., & Zhao, Z. (2024). Knowledge mapping and emerging trends of urban resilient infrastructure research in urban studies: Precedent work, current progress and future perspectives. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142087.
[14]Li, L., Liu, W.*, Wang, M., Cai, S., Liu, F., Xu, X., Tao, Y., Xue, Y., & Jiang, W. (2024). Analysis of mangrove distribution and suitable habitat in Beihai, China, using optimized MaxEnt modeling: improving mangrove restoration efficiency. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 7, 1293366.
[15]Sun, C., Rao, Q., Chen, B., Liu, X., Adnan Ikram, R. M., Li, J., Wang, M.*, & Zhang, D.* (2024). Mechanisms and Applications of Nature-Based Solutions for Stormwater Control in the Context of Climate Change: A Review. Atmosphere, 15(4), 403.
[16]Wang, M.*, Chen, Z., Zhang, D.*, Liu, M., Yuan, H., Chen, B., Rao, Q., Zhou, S., Wang, Y., Li, J., Fan, C., & Tan, S. K. (2024). Changes in Concurrent Meteorological Extremes of Rainfall and Heat under Divergent Climatic Trajectories in the Guangdong–Hong Kong–Macao Greater Bay Area. Sustainability, 16(5), 2153.
[17]Fan, C., Zou, B., Li, J.*, Wang, M., Liao, Y.*, & Zhou, X. (2024). Exploring the relationship between air temperature and urban morphology factors using machine learning under local climate zones. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 55, 104151.
[18]Sun, C., Rao, Q., Wang, M.*, Liu, Y., Xiong, Z., Zhao, J., Fan, C., Ikram, R. M. A., Li, J., & Zhang, M.* (2024). Multi-Stage Optimization of Drainage Systems for Integrated Grey–Green Infrastructure under Backward Planning. Water, 16(13), 1825.
[19]Zhao, J., Rao, Q., Sun, C., Ikram, R. M. A., Fan, C., Li, J., Wang, M.* & Zhang, D.* (2024). A Systematic Review of the Vertical Green System for Balancing Ecology and Urbanity. Water, 16(11), 1472.
[20]Yuan, H., Wang, M.*, Li, J., Zhang, D.*, Ikram, R. M. A., Su, J., Zhou, S., Wang, Y. & Zhang, Q. (2024). Matrix scenario-based urban flooding damage prediction via convolutional neural network. Journal of Environmental Management, 349, 119470.
[21]Wang, M., Jiang, Z., Ikram, R. M. A.*, Sun, C., Zhang, M*. & Li, J. (2023). Global Paradigm Shifts in Urban Stormwater Management Optimization: A Bibliometric Analysis. Water, 15(23), 4122.
[22]Wang, M., Li, Y., Yuan, H., Zhou, S.*, Wang, Y.*, Ikram, R. M. A. & Li, J. (2023b). An XGBoost-SHAP approach to quantifying morphological impact on urban flooding susceptibility. Ecological Indicators, 156, 111137.
[23]Wang, M., Chen, B., Zhang, D.*, Yuan, H., Rao, Q., Zhou, S.*, Li, J., Wang, W. & Tan, S. K. (2023c). Comparative life cycle assessment and life cycle cost analysis of centralized and decentralized urban drainage systems: A case study in Zhujiang New Town, Guangzhou, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 426, 139173.
[24]Zhao, Z.*, Wu, Z.*, Zhou, S., Dong, W., Gan, W., Zou, Y. & Wang, M. (2023). Resident Effect Perception in Urban Spaces to Inform Urban Design Strategies. Land, 12(10), 1908.
[25]Zhou, S., Wang, Y., Jia, W., Wang, M., Wu, Y., Qiao, R. & Wu, Z*. (2023). Automatic responsive-generation of 3D urban morphology coupled with local climate zones using generative adversarial network. Building and Environment, 245, 110855.
[26]Chen, T., Wang, M.*, Su, J.*, Ikram, R. M. A. & Li, J. (2023). Application of Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies in Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI): A Bibliometric Review. Sustainability, 15(18), 13317.
[27]Wang, M., Feng, S., Ikram, R. M. A.*, Chen, T., Sun, C., Chen, B., Rao, Q., Jin, H*. & Li, J. (2023). Assessing the performance and challenges of low-impact development under climate change: A bibliometric review. Sustainability, 15(18), 13616.
[28]Zeng, L., Liu, C.*, Wang, M., Zhou, C., Xie, G. & Wu, B. (2023). Delineating the Dichotomy and Synergistic Dynamics of Environmental Determinants on Temporally Responsive Park Vitality. Sustainability, 15(17), 12907.
[29]Wang, M., Fu, X., Zhang, D., Lou, S.*, Li, J.*, Chen, F., Li, S. & Tan, S. K. (2023e). Urban agglomeration waterlogging hazard exposure assessment based on an integrated Naive Bayes classifier and complex network analysis. Natural Hazards 118(3), 2173-2197.
[30]Wang, M., Chen, F., Zhang, D.*, Chen, Z., Su, J., Zhou, S., Li, J., Chen, J.*, Li, J. & Tan, S. K. (2023). Data-driven approach to spatiotemporal dynamic risk assessment of urban flooding based on shared socio-economic pathways. Ecological Indicators, 154, 110764.
[31]Wang, M.*, Sun, C. & Zhang, D*. (2023). Opportunities and challenges in green stormwater infrastructure (GSI): A comprehensive and bibliometric review of ecosystem services from 2000 to 2021. Environmental Research, 116701.
[32]Wang, M., Zhong, X., Sun, C., Chen, T., Su, J*. & Li, J*. (2023). Comprehensive performance of green infrastructure through a life-cycle perspective: a review. Sustainability, 15(14), 10857.
[33]Chen, T., Wang, M.*, Su, J*. & Li, J. (2023). Unlocking the Positive Impact of Bio-Swales on Hydrology, Water Quality, and Biodiversity: A Bibliometric Review. Sustainability, 15(10), 8141.
[34]Su, J., Wang, M.*, Razi, M. A. M.*, Dom, N. M., Sulaiman, N. & Tan, L.-W. (2023). A bibliometric review of nature-based solutions on urban stormwater management. Sustainability, 15(9), 7281.
[35]Wang, M., Fu, X., Zhang, D.*, Chen, F., Liu, M., Zhou, S., Su, J*. & Tan, S. K. (2023). Assessing urban flooding risk in response to climate change and urbanization based on shared socio-economic pathways. Science of The Total Environment, 880, 163470.
[36]Wang, M., Fu, X., Zhang, D.*, Chen, F., Su, J.*, Zhou, S., Li, J., Zhong, Y. & Tan, S. K. (2023). Urban flooding risk assessment in the rural-urban fringe based on a Bayesian classifier. Sustainability, 15(7), 5740.
[37]Wang, M., Yuan, H., Zhang, D., Qi, J*., Rao, Q., Li, J. & Tan, S. K. (2023). Supply-demand measurement and spatial allocation of Sponge facilities for Sponge city construction. Ecological Indicators, 148, 110141.
[38]Wang, M., Liu, M., Zhang, D., Qi, J.*, Fu, W., Zhang, Y., Rao, Q., Bakhshipour, A., & Tan, S. K. (2023). Assessing and optimizing the hydrological performance of Grey-Green infrastructure systems in response to climate change and non-stationary time series. Water Research, 119720. (ESI高被引论文)
[39]Wang, M., Liu, M., Zhang, D.*, Zhang, Y., Su, J.*, Zhou, S., Bakhshipour, A., & Tan, S. K. (2023). Assessing hydrological performance for optimized integrated grey-green infrastructure in response to climate change based on shared socio-economic pathways. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104436. (ESI高被引论文)
[40]Wu, Z., Zhao, Z.*, Gan, W.*, Zhou, S., Dong, W., & Wang, M. (2023). Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Urban Planning and Design. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2420.
[41]Wu, Z., Wang, Y.*, Gan, W.*, Zou, Y., Dong, W., Zhou, S., & Wang, M. (2023). A Survey of the Landscape Visibility Analysis Tools and Technical Improvements. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1788.
[42]Zhang, D., Li, J., Li, X.*, Wang, M.*, Zhong, Y., Chen, G., Xiao, H., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Phytoremediation of fluoroalkylethers (ether-PFASs): A review on bioaccumulation and ecotoxilogical effects. Science of The Total Environment, 161260.
[43]Wang, M., Jiang, Z., Zhang, D.*, Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Rao, Q., Li. J.*, & Tan, S. K. (2023). Optimization of integrating life cycle cost and systematic resilience for grey-green stormwater infrastructure. Sustainable Cities and Society, 90, 104379. (ESI高被引论文)
[44]Zhang, Y., Wang, M.*, Zhang, D.*, Lu, Z., Bakhshipour, A. E., Liu, M., Jiang, Z., Li, J. & Tan, S. K. (2023). Multi-stage planning of LID-GREI urban drainage systems in response to land-use changes. Science of The Total Environment, 859, 160214.
[45]Wang, M., Chen, F., Zhang, D.*, Rao, Q., Li, J.*, & Tan, S. K. (2022). Supply–Demand Evaluation of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Based on the Model of Coupling Coordination. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 14742.
[46]Zhou, S., Liu, Z., Wang, M.*, Gan, W., Zhao, Z., & Wu, Z.* (2022). Impacts of building configurations on urban stormwater management at a block scale using XGBoost. Sustainable Cities and Society, 87, 104235.
[47]Hou, Q., Cheng, Y.*, Yuan, Y., & Wang, M. (2022). Assessing Hydrological Cost-Effectiveness of Stormwater Multi-Level Control Strategies in Mountain Park under the Concept of Sponge City. Water, 14(10), 1524.
[48]Wang, M.*, Zhang, Y., Bakhshipour, A. E., Liu, M., Rao, Q., & Lu, Z.* (2022). Designing coupled LID–GREI urban drainage systems: Resilience assessment and decision-making framework. Science of The Total Environment, 834, 155267.
[49]Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, D.*, Zheng, Y.*, Zhou, S., & Tan, S. K. (2021). A Bayesian decision model for optimum investment and design of low-impact development in urban stormwater infrastructure and management. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9, 713831.
[50]Zhang, D., Li, X.*, Wang, M.*, & Xie, W. (2021). Occurrence and distribution of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in a surface flow constructed wetland. Ecological Engineering, 169, 106291.
[51]Wang, M., Zhang, Y., Zhang, D.*, Zheng, Y., Li, S.*, & Tan, S. K. (2021). Life-cycle cost analysis and resilience consideration for coupled grey infrastructure and low-impact development practices. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, 103358.
[52]Wang, M.*, Zhang, D., Wang, Z., Zhou, S., & Tan, S. K. (2021). Long-term performance of bioretention systems in storm runoff management under climate change and life-cycle condition. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102598.
[53]Wang, Z., Zhou, S., Wang, M.*, & Zhang, D.* (2020). Cost-benefit analysis of low-impact development at hectare scale for urban stormwater source control in response to anticipated climatic change. Journal of Environmental Management, 264, 110483.
[54]Niu, X., Zhang, D.*, Zhang, R., Song, Q., Li, Y., & Wang, M.* (2020). Physiological and biochemical responses of Microcystis aeruginosa to phosphine (PH3) under elevated CO2. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 94, 171-178.
[55]Zhang, D. Q., Wang, M., He, Q., Niu, X.*, & Liang, Y.* (2020). Distribution of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in aquatic plant-based systems: From soil adsorption and plant uptake to effects on microbial community. Environmental Pollution, 257, 113575.
[56]Lou, S., Chen, W.*, Li, D. H., Wang, M., Chen, H., Lun, I. Y., & Xia, D. (2019). Tilted photovoltaic energy outputs in outdoor environments. Sustainability, 11(21), 6052.
[57]Zhang, D., He, Q.*, Wang, M.*, Zhang, W., & Liang, Y. (2021). Sorption of perfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs) onto granular activated carbon and biochar. Environmental Technology, 42(12), 1798-1809.
[58]Wang, M.*, Zhang, D., Cheng, Y., & Tan, S. K. (2019). Assessing performance of porous pavements and bioretention cells for stormwater management in response to probable climatic changes. Journal of Environmental Management, 243, 157-167. (ESI高被引论文)
[59]Wang, M.*, Zhang, D., Lou, S., Hou, Q., Liu, Y., Cheng, Y.*, ... & Tan, S. K. (2019). Assessing hydrological effects of bioretention cells for urban stormwater runoff in response to climatic changes. Water, 11(5), 997.
[60]Qi, J. D., He, B. J.*, Wang, M., Zhu, J., & Fu, W. C. (2019). Do grey infrastructures always elevate urban temperature? No, utilizing grey infrastructures to mitigate urban heat island effects. Sustainable Cities and Society, 46, 101392.
[61]Fu, W., Chen, Z., Zhu, Z., Liu, Q., Van den Bosch, C. C. K., Qi, J., Wang, M. & Dong, J.* (2018). Spatial and temporal variations of six criteria air pollutants in Fujian Province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(12), 2846.
[62]Wang, M.*, Zhang, D., Li, Y., Hou, Q., Yu, Y., Qi, J., ... & Cheng, Y.* (2018). Effect of a submerged zone and carbon source on nutrient and metal removal for stormwater by bioretention cells. Water, 10(11), 1629.
[63]Fu, W., Liu, Q., Konijnendijk van den Bosch, C., Chen, Z., Zhu, Z., Qi, J., Wang, M. & Dong, J.* (2018). Long-term atmospheric visibility trends and their relations to socioeconomic factors in Xiamen city, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(10), 2239.
[64]Wang, M.*, Zhang, D. Q., Su, J., Dong, J. W., & Tan, S. K. (2018). Assessing hydrological effects and performance of low impact development practices based on future scenarios modeling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 179, 12-23. (ESI高被引论文)
[65]Wang, M., Zhang, D.*, Dong, J.*, & Tan, S. K. (2018). Application of constructed wetlands for treating agricultural runoff and agro-industrial wastewater: a review. Hydrobiologia, 805, 1-31. (ESI高被引论文)
[66]Wang, M., Zhang, D. Q., Adhityan, A., Ng, W. J., Dong, J. W.*, & Tan, S. K. (2018). Conventional and holistic urban stormwater management in coastal cities: a case study of the practice in Hong Kong and Singapore. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 34(2), 192-212.
[67]Qiao, J., Wang, M., Zhang, D., Ding, C., Wang, J., & Xu, D.* (2017). Synergetic development assessment of urban river system landscapes. Sustainability, 9(12), 2145.
[68]Li, Y. C., Zhang, D. Q., & Wang, M.* (2017). Performance Evaluation of a Full‐Scale Constructed Wetland for Treating Stormwater Runoff. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water, 45(11), 1600740.
[69]Wang, M.*, Zhang, D. Q., Su, J., Trzcinski, A. P., Dong, J. W., & Tan, S. K. (2017). Future scenarios modeling of urban stormwater management response to impacts of climate change and urbanization. CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water, 45(10), 1700111.
[70]Wang, M., Zhang, D. Q.*, Dong, J. W.*, & Tan, S. K. (2017). Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in cold climate—A review. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 57, 293-311.
[71]Wang, M., Zhang, D., Adhityan, A., Ng, W. J., Dong, J.*, & Tan, S. K. (2016). Assessing cost-effectiveness of bioretention on stormwater in response to climate change and urbanization for future scenarios. Journal of Hydrology, 543, 423-432.
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