2023年03月07日 16:06
风险适应性科研团队在绿色基础设施和韧性城市研究方向取得重要进展,在国际顶级期刊Water Research、Sustainable Cities and Society、Science of The Total Environment等发表7篇高水平论文,总影响因子达65.5。
其中,研究生刘铭于Water Research发表论文Assessing and optimizing the hydrological performance of Grey-Green infrastructure systems in response to climate change and non-stationary time series,该论文针对城市雨洪管理在气候变化非平稳性特征下的适应性问题,提出了一项综合评估灰绿基础设施系统水文效益的框架,并分析了不同气候情景下灰绿基础设施系统与完全集中化的灰色基础设施系统的成本效益和水文效益对比,揭示了灰绿基础设施系统在降低成本、减少径流、控制污染等方面的优势,为城市雨洪管理提供一种前沿且可行的解决方案。
Water Research作为引领全球水科学和技术领域的权威期刊,关注最紧迫和最重要的水问题,展示了该领域的最高水平和最前沿的研究。其2023年的CiteScore为18,影响因子为13.4。
Sustainable Cities and Society也发表了该团队的两篇论文。其中,刘铭发表论文Assessing hydrological performance for optimized integrated grey-green infrastructure in response to climate change based on shared socio-economic pathways,另一名研究生江知雨发表论文Optimization of integrating life cycle cost and systematic resilience for grey-green stormwater infrastructure。江知雨针对城市韧性建设中灰绿基础设施系统设计与评估问题,提出了一种整合生命周期成本和系统韧性的优化模型,并通过案例分析展示了该模型在不同开发强度场景下对灰绿基础设施系统配置方案选择和决策支持方面的应用价值,为响应韧性城市建设作出科学贡献。Sustainable Cities and Society是城市可持续发展领域的顶尖期刊之一,其2023年CiteScore为14.4,影响因子为10.696。
培养高水平创新型人才的能力和水平。团队将继续秉承“量质齐升 提档跨越”的理念,深入开展原始创新和集成创新。
[1]Wang, M., Liu, M., Zhang, D., Qi, J., Fu, W., Zhang, Y., Rao, Q., Bakhshipour, A., & Tan, S. K. (2023). Assessing and optimizing the hydrological performance of Grey-Green infrastructure systems in response to climate change and non-stationary time series. Water Research, 119720. (IF=13.4)
[2]Wang, M., Liu, M., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Su, J., Zhou, S., Bakhshipour, A., & Tan, S. K. (2023). Assessing hydrological performance for optimized integrated grey-green infrastructure in response to climate change based on shared socio-economic pathways. Sustainable Cities and Society, 104436. (IF=10.696)
[3]Wu, Z., Zhao, Z., Gan, W., Zhou, S., Dong, W., & Wang, M. (2023). Achieving Carbon Neutrality through Urban Planning and Design. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 2420. (IF=4.614)
[4]Wu, Z., Wang, Y., Gan, W., Zou, Y., Dong, W., Zhou, S., & Wang, M. (2023). A Survey of the Landscape Visibility Analysis Tools and Technical Improvements. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(3), 1788. (IF=4.614)
[5]Zhang, D., Li, J., Li, X., Wang, M., Zhong, Y., Chen, G., Xiao, H., & Zhang, Y. (2023). Phytoremediation of fluoroalkylethers (ether-PFASs): A review on bioaccumulation and ecotoxilogical effects. Science of The Total Environment, 161260. (IF=10.754)
[6]Wang, M., Jiang, Z., Zhang, D., Zhang, Y., Liu, M., Rao, Q., Li. J., & Tan, S. K. (2023). Optimization of integrating life cycle cost and systematic resilience for grey-green stormwater infrastructure. Sustainable Cities and Society, 90, 104379. (IF=10.696)
[7]Zhang, Y., Wang, M., Zhang, D., Lu, Z., Bakhshipour, A. E., Liu, M., Jiang, Z., Li, J. & Tan, S. K. (2023). Multi-stage planning of LID-GREI urban drainage systems in response to land-use changes. Science of The Total Environment, 859, 160214. (IF=10.754)