大发快三平台 召开2024年度国家自然科学基金项目申报交流会(第二次)
科研论文│增强建筑应对未来气候不确定性的韧性:提高建筑生命周期性能的综合框架Improving building resilience in the face of future climate uncertainty A comprehensive framework for enhancing building life cycle performance
科研论文│长期气候变化下中国亚热带地区城中村住房的室内过热风险Future indoor overheating risk for urban village housing in subtropical region of China under long-term changing climate
科研论文│校园蓝绿空间视热舒适度与皮肤电反应相关性研究:以广州为例 Relationship between Visual and Thermal Comfort and Electrodermal Activity in Campus Blue-Green Spaces: A Case Study of Guangzhou, China
科研论文│建筑双温冷源独立新风系统的设计优化与节能评价Design optimization and energy performance evaluation of a dedicated outdoor air system with dual cooling sources
学术讲座 | 中国出口产业的多样化过程:从产品多样化走向市场多样化
学术会议 | 我院承办的2023年城市微气候与低碳技术研究论坛顺利召开