2020年05月09日 11:44
项目名称 Project |
项目负责人 Principal Investigator |
项目类型 Project Type |
夏热地区“常全影”室外公共空间的形成机理与设计检验方法研究 Research on Formation Mechanism and Design Inspection Method of "Constant Shadow" Outdoor Public Space in Hot Summer Areas |
龚兆先 Zhaoxian Gong |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
形态类型视角下的广州旧城住区肌理与城市活力研究 Research on Texture in Residential Area of Guangzhou Old Town and Urban Vitality Based on A Typo-Morphological Approach |
陈锦棠 Jintang Chen |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
基于用能轨迹的岭南地区既有住宅立面更新研究 Research on Elevation Renewal of Existing Residence in Lingnan Area Based on Energy Consumption Path |
夏大为 Dawei Xia |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
基于非权重方法的城市景观规划设计生态性评估体系研究 Research on Evaluation System of Urban Landscape Planning Design Based on Non-Weighting Method |
邓毅 Yi Deng |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
基于未来情景模拟的城市景观水文弹性措施绩效评估与优化研究 Research on Hydrologic Elastic Measures of Urban Landscape Performance Evaluation and Optimization Based on Future Scenario Simulation |
王墨 Mo Wang |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
基于新医改的我国基层医院整体策划与适宜设计方法研究 Research on Chinese Primary Hospitals Planning and Adaptive Design Method Based on New Medical Innovation |
董黎 Li Dong |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
基于耦合共振的扩散吸声体理论与功能分析 Diffusion Sound Absorber Theory and Function Analysis Based on Coupling Resonance |
古林强 Linqiang Gu |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
湿热地区全要素气象条件下的建筑能耗模拟研究 Research on Energy Consumption Simulation Under Total Factor Meteorological Condition in Hot-humid Area |
李丽 Li Li |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
中国建筑现代转型视野下的近代建筑传媒研究 Research on Modern Architecture Media Based on Chinese Architecture Transition |
刘源 Yuan Liu |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
基于文化进化算法的民族乡土聚落更新规划评估研究 Research on Ethnic Rural Settlements Renewal Planning Evaluation Based on Cultural Evolution Algorithm |
蔡凌 Ling Cai |
国家自然科学基金委项目 The National Natural Science Foundation of China |
侗族建筑文化遗产保护与发展研究 Research on Conservation and Development of Architectural Cultural Heritage of Dong Minority |
蔡凌 Ling Cai |
国家社科基金项目 The National Social Science Foundation of China |
侗族木构建筑匠作体系及其传承研究 Research on Carpenter System of Dong Timber Construction and Its Inheritance |
蔡凌 Ling Cai |
国家社科基金项目 The National Social Science Foundation of China |
基于原型理论的传统岭南水乡城镇色彩特征解读及传承应用 Color Characteristics Interpretation and Inheritance Application of Traditional Lingnan Region of Rivers and Lakes Based on Prototype Theory |
郭红雨 Hongyu Gu |
教育部人文社科项目 The Ministry of Education of Humanities and Social Science |
中国营造学社与清代官式建筑研究 Research on the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture and Official Building in Qing Dynasty |
常清华 Qinghua Chang |
教育部社科司项目 Department of Social Science, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China |
基于贝叶斯分类算法的城市绿色基础设施空间优化 Urban Green Infrastructure Space Optimization Based on Bayesian Classification Algorithm |
王墨 Mo Wang |
广东省自然科学基金项目 The Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province |
广佛大都市区生产性服务业空间分布特征与企业生态聚集耦合研究 Coupling Research on Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Producer Services and Enterprises Ecological Aggregation in Guangfo Metropolitan Area |
戚路辉 Luhui Qi |
广东省自然科学基金项目 The Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province |
基于气候适应性的岭南城市色彩谱系提取与设计方法研究 Research on Color Pedigree Extraction and Design Method in Lingnan Cities Based on Climate Adaptability |
郭红雨 Hongyu Gu |
广东省自然科学基金项目 The Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province |
风驱雨条件下的建筑立面被动蒸发湿热特性研究 Research on Passive Evaporative Humid and Thermal Characteristics of Building Facades under Wind-Driven Rain Conditions |
李丽 Li Li |
广东省自然科学基金项目 The Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province |
近代江门五邑侨乡城镇近代化问题研究 Research on Modernization Problems of Overseas Chinese Hometown in Modern Wuyi District, Jiangmen |
姜省 Sheng Jiang |
广东省人文社科项目 Humanities and Social Science of Guangdong Province |
广东三祖庙文化与艺术 Culture and Art of Sanzu Temple in Guangdong |
文一峰 Yifeng Wen |
广东省人文社科项目 Humanities and Social Science of Guangdong Province |
广府传统村镇空间艺术及审美的历史演变与传承研究 Research on Space Art and Aesthetic Historical Evolution of Traditional Villages in Guangfu Area |
戚路辉 Luhui Qi |
广东省社科基金项目 The Social Science Fund of Guangdong Province |
低碳城市控制性详细规划技术集成与示范 Integration and Demonstration of Control Detailed Planning Technology Low-Carbon City |
郭红雨 Hongyu Gu |
广东省科技计划项目 Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province |
气候适应性的城市空间色彩设计方法 Color Design Method of Urban Space Based on Climate Adaptability |
郭红雨 Hongyu Gu |
其他部委项目 Others |